This, coupled with the tone-matching between Vallejo paints and spray cans, as well as their suitability for airbrushing really might make it a strong choice over the (comparatively) more expensive Citadel paint set. One thing that becomes very evident from this chart is just how limiting the available paint range is that Citadel provide. Citadel paints, but every one I could find must be outdated because they didn't have the paints that I was looking for. If you have it, you could choose to use Reaper MSP Pine Green for a closer match instead. Hey, I've been trying to find a conversion chart for Vallejo Game Color paints vs. Since I can only get Vallejo Model Colour here, I listed some colours I want to get and referred to Citadel-Vallejo conversion chart found on Dakka etc. I bought Storm of Sigmar starter set and want to follow Warhammer TV Duncans paint scheme on those miniatures. That’s a “good match”, but is approaching a “mediocre match”. Citadel-Vallejo Comparison Chart Discrepancy. In the Gnarls Green row, you’ll see that the nearest match is Waaagh! Flesh, with ΔE of 3.85.

To take the example from the spreadsheet, if you wanted to find which Citadel Base is the best match to P3 “Gnarls Green”, you would go to the P3 page and look under the Citadel Base columns. The original chart was put together through the tireless efforts of Scott Sobieraj, and shared for everyone to access here. While looking around for suggestions on painting ethnic skin tones (more on that in a later post!) I came across a fantastic conversion chart for paint colors across ranges by different paint manufacturers, and thought it was something that could be of use to everyone. All these charts use Humbrol paints as the bench-mark, so if you want to convert from Heller to Vallejo then youll have to go via Humbrol.